We love textured art that makes a statement, and Amanda Whitworth’s work fits the bill perfectly. A multifaceted artist whose main medium is wood, her collection of architectural, art deco-inspired pieces are gracing our walls for the month of March, debuting during West Seattle Art Walk on Thursday 3.11.21.
Her current body of work includes a wide range of pieces – from mod multi-panel wall hangings to gorgeous mountain scenes, a sweet nod to the Pacific Northwest. Every piece has the perfect trifecta of color, depth, and texture.
Our show with Amanda is available to view in-store and partially online through early April.

How would you describe what you make?
I consider myself a multifaceted artist. My main medium is wood but I dabble in other things as well. I don’t really consider myself a woodworker but often people refer to me as that. I focus on wood art that is multidimensional, has an Art Deco feel and uses negative space. I also create landscape pieces.
What drew you to this medium and style of work?
Honestly, it was just an intuitive thing. I didn’t really even know I was an artist until my early 30’s. I’ve always been very drawn to lines, architecture and art history. I love the feel of Art Deco, but I always like to tell the story that I grew up with a contractor father and would often fake sick with the hopes that he would have me tag along as he drove out to all of his job sites. We’d cruise along listening to Randy Travis and I’d sip on my orange Gatorade and every now and then I’d let out a cough to keep up the act. When we would pull up to the framed masterpieces he’d go talk to the guys working and I would wander around and get lost in my wild imagination picking up piles of sawdust and throwing them in the air as I twirled below. I like to joke that maybe it was through osmosis. Maybe I wanted to be just like my dad or, maybe I am more like him then I ever realized.
I just love the way working with wood makes me feel.
Can you tell us about your favorite piece in the current collection?
Oh they all are my favorites :) I love the various sky colors in my mountain pieces.
If you could collaborate with anyone (living or not), who would it be and why?
Ha, collaboration is a newer concept for me. I also like to joke that I am definitely a lone wolf. My work is my time to just get lost in my head so I’m not always the best at working side-by-side with others while I’m trying to create. However, I am currently talking with a metal worker about collaborating on some pieces.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?
Stay in your lane. I think in the art world it’s easy to get caught up in the comparison trap. I think it’s great to see what others are doing but don’t stray for too long. Come back to your own world and put your head back down and get to work.
Also, it’s really important to always create your own interpretation of things. I see too many newer woodworkers/artists trying to do the exact same thing as more established artists. People can see that and you have to figure out what your own unique style is.
Can you describe your favorite part of the process in your work?
This changes ALL the time but I always have a special affinity for the painting or staining part of each piece. I’ve been very pulled towards learning to paint so that may be why. I also just got a scroll saw and am working on a special project and using this particular type of saw puts me in a trance.
When you are in the studio, what are you listening to?
Oh man, this changes all the time. I’m very influenced by the music I listen to and some of my favorite artists are Gregory Alan Isakov, Ben Howard, John Butler Trio, Brandi Carlile, Sara Bareilles and the list goes on and on.
However, sometimes I don’t want music and I listen to a podcast. I love both Crime Junkie style and Pod Save America but I also love total guilty pleasure style like Chatty Broads.
What is your most treasured handmade possession?
For my twenty-first birthday my mom made me a quilt and I still pull it up over me every single night.